It was meant for a surprise from The Mr for my Birthday but last night while looking over our bank account I inadvertently happened upon the charge. Oops!
I've been shopping/ saving for the last year and a half or so. My dear grandmother in law couldn't abide the thought of me serging on her old 3 spool Juki and generously started off my little cash hoard.
After placing her generous donation to the cause safely in the bank, I had thought to squirrel away the rest of the price without a problem doing alterations and things but I've only sewn $55.00 worth since I started to save! I was doing pretty regular business before the new serger idea came on the scene, I'm not quite sure what happened! I did turn a job or 2 away toward the end of my pregnancy so I suppose that has something to do with it.
Anyway, The Mr threw in what I lacked and now it's in its box on the floor just where the UPS man left it an hour ago. I started to unpack it but I decided to wait until the children are tucked safely away for the night before I go any further. I think that will be best for all of us.

Here's the old girl. She's been out of commission for a few months. I've only ever had one needle for her and it broke. I have to order a new one online and I'm horrible at remembering until I'm ready to sit down and work so I've never gotten around to it.
I had planned to find a good home for her once the new girl arrived but now I'm wondering if it wouldn't be just as well to keep her around, threaded up with black to save me a re-threading or two. Part of the allure of the new machine were the self threading lower loopers and how changing colors would no longer be much hassle, but the separation anxiety is throwing that logic out of whack.
I expect the situation will cure it's self once I try balancing 3 machines on the skinny end of the computer table that's been allowed for them. If not, I suppose some one will have to compare me to my Dad the pack-rat. That usually knocks enough sense into me to get rid of the excess in such situations.