But he just gets bigger and bigger.

I've been aware of his growing all along but a few weeks ago something happened. It was this

And now my Tiny Boy has exploded.

His feet used to be so itty bitty.

Now they are mammoth. It seems to me that they must be swollen, they couldn't have grown that much bigger that fast. Could they?
There is a two and a half year and one shoe size difference between him and his big sister. Here they are both wearing his flip flops.

It's not just the getting bigger either.
He says "please" and "thank you" he walks to the car and climbs in all by himself. He holds my hand and walks down the stairs instead of sliding on his bummy or tummy.

He holds the New One and gives her kisses. He makes sure I know if she starts to cry. "Be-be" has replaced "puppy" at the forefront of his vocabulary.
The other day the New One woke up and noticed she was hungry while we were in the car where I can only reach her with my voice. My Tiny Boy, matching my soothing tone began to croon "be-be, be-be" doing all he could to help her.
He's a big brother, but he's my baby too. Right?

Oh I hate that! I told my eldest the other day that he was still my baby and he said, "No! I'm just Aidan!"
He's still my baby and Tiny Boy is still yours.
From the pictures, he does seem to have grown a ton! I know nothing about boys and how they grow, but perhaps he is hitting his first big growth spurt... I bet he will be a tall boy, when he is all grown up, which means many more big growth spurts to come.
Your little boy is so cute, and has a darling smile. And that picture of your "New One" is the cutest thing I have ever seen, all wrapped in pink, I can hardley stand it.
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