Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Star Belly Sneetches...

had bellies with stars.

The plain bellied Sneetches had none upon thars.

Looks like the Fix-It-Up-Chappie came for a visit, and I apparently took a few too many rides through the star-on machine.

You know what I never understood about that book? Why did the Sneetches without just stand around moping in the dark? Why didn't they plan their own dang Frankfurter roasts, or picnics or parties or marshmallow toasts?

I've always felt that if I were a Sneetch I would be plain the bellied sort, and spend my time planing fantastic parties.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If I were a Sneech
and lived within reach,
I call you up
for chocolate in a cup.

We'd have cookies too
at our BBQ.
Cake for dessert
with caramel can't hurt.

If your belly was plain
we could add jelly stain.
To eat all those treats
would be a great feet.

So when your in town
Don't wear a frown
Come see a Sneech
when you're in reach.