Thursday, May 19, 2011

As it turns out...

I am not actually pregnant. I am just a gimpy woman with an unconventional figure.
The part about being 6cm dilated and 95% effaced I can't quite explain but at this point I'm quite sure it's hokum.


Annie Jarman said...

Oh my. I guess you could not be pregnant at all. There are those women who don't realize they're pregnant until the baby comes.... I'm not sure if it works the other way, though.

Here's to hoping (and praying!) that baby comes soon!

Ali said...

Maybe I should bring dinner over before the baby comes. Sounds like you could use a break! I've been told that a nice foot massage will do the trick ;). How about a pedicure tonight!

Susan said...

"push 'em out, shove 'em out---WAAAY out." -bill cosby

Kateka said...

Ack. I so do not envy you right now. Best wishes. You are probably the best incubator ever. Maybe you should start charging rent?

J.B. said...

Well, I mean really, that's probably kind of a relief, right? Cuz I've heard that newborns are a lot of work, so you've really dodged a bullet here.