Thursday, September 6, 2012


My dog is suffering from an infected anal gland. He's here on the couch all drugged up and sleeping after having it lanced. He'll wear a cone on his head for 2 days.

Last time he had to wear a cone was when he got fixed.  I took him to work with me until he felt better and he sat in my lap while I sewed.

He is a 9 year old dog I spoiled him for the first year of his life, then Ziz came along.  He was still fairly spoiled.  Once Enzo entered the picture I was frazzled and didn't have any nurturing energy left to spare.  He went from feast to famine attention wise.

Just so you know spoiling your dog for years and then ignoring him is not a great way to have a healthy pet/owner relationship. The amount of guilt I associate with my pet is weighty indeed.

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