Thursday, June 19, 2008


This poor little bald dolly has got to get some hair by tomorrow but I am conflicted and can't move on until a decision is made.
What do you think of the freckles? I tried them as an experiment and I'm still not sure what I think. I have to decide before the hair goes on because the hair will cover the loose ends of the freckle threads on the back of her head.
I really want her to have freckles but I'm not convinced this was the way to go, painted on freckles might be better, softer, not so zit-like.
What to you think? Please type your comments as fast as your fingers will allow, time's a waistin' and I've got a wig to make.
Also, I'm willing to take suggestions about the hair-do. I'm sort-of leaning toward two braids but I'm not entirely decided as yet.


Amy said...

I can't wait to see what you do with the hair...I'm such a doll lover and yours are simply amazing (or as Melissa would say "Holy cow!"). As for the freckles, I think painted on would be softer & better. But those might be softened anyhow once the baldness goes...

Melissa M. said...

I love that you are making freckles! Is she a red head? I agree with you on the painting being softer, and I vote for that too since freckles are more a part of the skin and not bumpy.
I can't wait to see her all done!