Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What's this?

It's twelve yards of scrumptious habotai silk waiting patiently for a soak in the bath.
I'm really trying to get these Bridesmaid's dresses turned out but there seems to be an issue at each step.
Thanks to my dear friend Suzi I now have Dupioni in the correct shade for the bodices. What I don't have is something light and frothy for the skirts. I went out looking for it today.
I didn't find it.
What I did find was a bottle of dye to pair up with that pile of stashed silk. My test swatch is drying on the back porch as I type and hope I got the color right. Heaven knows I haven't got time to fiddle with dye colors. I need that silk in the bath right away. There are dresses that need sewing.

Update; When the silk came out of the dye there was just one word for it. Bubblegum. Further experimentation showed that once dry it was actually a lovely shade of pink, still too dark though. It's in a cycle with color remover now. If it comes out too pale I'll be thoroughly disappointed.

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