Saturday, August 22, 2009


Tonight I fulfilled a wish. It's something I've mentioned here before. But no, it does not involve me metamorphosing into Meryl Streep.
I sang "Taylor the Latte Boy" at my ward(local congregation) talent show. It was mucho fun. I do enjoy to preform.
I was given the opportunity to display another talent of mine as well. Namely, being stern with children.
The afore mentioned were gathered in a bunch at the foot of the stage. The idea was to give them a better view of the show. Unfortunately there, away from their parents, they were a less than respectful audience.
There was shuffling, squabbling and disarray throughout the performance before mine. When I went to take the stage the emcee asked me if I'd like him to clear the kids out of the way. And I answered, "I'll do it."
So I took the mic and told the kids that if they couldn't be quiet they'd have to go sit with their parents. One boy stood immediately and walked to his mother's side. I think it's likely he was intending to go have a word with his mom before I began my statement and the fortunate timing was coincidence, but it was a nice addition to my performance.
I waited until all the kids were sitting before I began to sing.
I dare say, some of those children are now afraid of me. I caught the eye of one little girl mid-way through my song, she froze and immediately dropped her bottom to the floor.
I suppose it's likely that I now have a reputation among the young fry for being "mean." The funny thing about it is; I don't mind.
I remember those "mean" adults from my own childhood, and you know what? I really like all of them. I'll count it an honor to be numbered with such great people.

1 comment:

Lauranie said...

That is because it is the "mean" ones they respect! All of the parenting books and magazines are ALL about discipline...if only I can follow through! :D It is SO hard to discipline small is the older ones I don't have a problem with, but because I let stuff slide when they are small...they are HARDER to discipline when they get older!!!

All of your OTHER talents and you SING too....I am getting greener and greener! :D xo