Remember last year's contest? I decided to give it another go. This time the cookie inscriptions came from my all time favorite movie. Guess the movie correctly, and you are in the running!
I decided cookies as a prize is a bad idea. I decided this after remembering that I have yet to send Barefoot any cookies for her triumphant win last February. (Sorry)
This year the winner will receive a copy of the movie in question. (and a great film it is, I watched it yesterday while I cut out cookies and I wouldn't mind watching it again right now.)
So get guessing friends! Deciphering my frosting-manship, or frostmanship, or whatever you care to call it, is part of the fun.
The contest will end at the stroke of midnight on Valentines day.
Benny and Joon?
Oh yes. I know it. Only because I know you well enough to know where to do the searching. So since I kind of cheated I'm going to hold off a while. Unless cheating is okay... If not I'll hide in Brooklyn by the dinosaur the Navy boys dream about.
I have no idea. I did a google search and it come up with "A street car named Marge" which is funny because I just watched that episode on Simpson's.
Oh one of my favorites! On The Town!! I was not on the computer for 3 days or I would have won more promptly.
Oh dear, I just read your comment to me telling me not to win the contest. Should I take it back?
No, don't take it back. I just meant don't win the contest on the first day.
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