Sunday, November 8, 2009

Photonic Sneeze Reflex

Do you sneeze when you step into the sun?
Enz does.

So do Zizza and The Mr.
They generally each sneeze twice after the those first rays of sunlight touch them.

We had an optometrist friend who shed light on the quirk.
He walked out of church at the same time we did one Sunday afternoon. When The Mr. had done sneezing the friend asked "Do you often sneeze right as you step outside?" When The Mr answered the affirmative our friend told him that tendency is called Photonic Sneeze Reflex, and was something he'd been studying. It also seems to be hereditary.
What quirks did you inherit and/or pass on?


Jessica said...

I sneeze almost every time I step into the sun! Fun that there's a name for it...

Sally said...

My whole family does this! My mom, my brother, me, my kids, my mom's siblings. My husband thinks I'm crazy. Nice that I have a name for it.

Found you via Presser Foot. Hi!

Annie Jarman said...

My kids and I do that! I'm glad to know there's a name for it too! How strange! Cute pics!

Kirstin said...

Yep, me and my kids do it, although Shiloh doesn't. He hates sneezing. I love sneezing. Why? I don't know. I mean it could be hazardous right?

Brenda said...

My oldest daughter does this! Hey, I just gave you an award...go on over to my blog to pick it up! THANKS!

Annie Jarman said...

I just thought of a different habit thingy that seems hereditary in my family. My mom, my sister and I all need to rub our feet together to fall asleep. Must be some kind of energy release. It's weird but we all do it.

Unknown said...

I've learned it's actually called Photic Sneeze Reflex not Photonic (I was the one who perpetuated this misnomer with Eva).

SJ said...

Oh man, Benjamin sneezes every time the sun hits his face/eyes! I've just noticed it the past couple weeks. When he is in the car seat and sneezes, I look back and sure enough, the sun is in his face.